Oprah Winfrey hosts the world hit show The Oprah Winfrey Show on her TV network Oprah Winfrey Network. It has been revealed that the talk show is soon coming to an end and filming will stop in the month of May.
She is now running a behind the scenes show. It is centered on the life of the star just before the end of her show “The Oprah Winfrey Show”. This move has been well received by her fans across the globe. This show will precede her new program called “Oprah’s Next Chapter”
When asked, Oprah said she fells she has made the right decision having had a 25 year run. She said it has become harder and harder to raise the bar. The costs were high and she was doing a prime-time TV show during the day and realized it’s about time she took a cue from the TV landscape and drop the microphone.