Some cool Angelina Jolie Wallpaper pictures:
Self portrait XXXVII_MMVIII
Image by andronicusmax
Self portrait of me smoking at computer with Angelina Jolie wallpaper and some alternative rock 🙂 Just had a random experiment, I find the most random ideas turn out to be pretty cool.
Movie Mosaic
Image by Heather F
1. SLiTHER wallpaper, 2. Killing In The Name Of, 3. Brendan Frasier 3, 4. angelina jolie broken, 5. Steel Magnolias, 6. Serenity, 7. the gateway, 8. fairy catch and release program, 9. "It’s Not Easy Having A Good Time…, 10. for reasons unknown, 11. GERARD BUTLER, 12. Geena Davis
From Bart…
The concept:
a. Type your answer to each of the questions below into Flickr Search.
b. Using only the first page, pick an image.
c. Copy and paste the html into your blog or Flickr stream (the easiest way is to copy the URLs and then head over to the fd’s flickr toys and use the mosaic maker).
The Questions (and answers – subject to change on a whim):
1. Favorite movie? (SLiTHER)
2. Favorite movie genre? (Horror)
3. Favorite actor? (Brendan Frasier)
4. Favorite actress? (Angelina Jolie)
5. What movie always makes you cry? (Steel Magnolias)
6. What movie have you watched over & over & over? (Serenity)
7. Worst move you ever saw? (The Gate)
8. What was the last movie you watched? (Catch and Release)
9. Favorite cult movie? (Guess. Hehe.)
10. Most embarrassing favorite movie? (I’m not embarrassed by my movie likes or dislikes, so I just did an “unknown.”)
11. Hottest actor or actress? (Gerard Fookin’ Butler)
12. The actor or actress most people say you remind them of? (Geena Davis)
Published in this dudes tech blog, yay! 🙂…
Also on this Latvian blog about vibrators(?!), no really! 😀…
BC Robyn
This is a pretty sweet photo!
Hi, I’m an admin for a group called Domestic Social Vision, and we’d love to have this picture to the group!
Hi, I’m an admin for a group called Voy a ser una rock and roll star, and we’d love to have this added to the group!
Barcelona Photobloggers
Te dejamos este comentario porque has enviado fotos al grupo DOMESTIC. Barcelona Photobloggers colabora con Photographic Social Vision en la organización del bloque "Un espacio en red" de la exposición.
Queremos asegurarnos de que has leído los terminos y condiciones y necesitamos que verifiques la resolución de tus imágenes en este link, para poder exponerlas correctamente necesitaríamos que tuvieran 3 estrellas (al menos 1500px en el lado más largo)
Esperamos contar contigo en la inauguración el día 28 de abril del 2010 a las 19:00 hrs en el Espai Cultural Caja Madrid, Plaza Catalunya, 9, Barcelona (mapa)
Gracias por participar con tus fotos en la exposición DOMESTIC.
We drop this lines because you added photos to DOMESTIC. Barcelona Photobloggers is helping Photographic Social Vision to manage the on-line call for “Online Space” block of the exhibition.
We want to make sure you have read the term and conditions. Please, check the resolution of your images at this link. We would need them to be 3 stars, 1500px wider size, to show the images properly.
We hope to meet you at the opening on April 28, 19:00 hours at Espai Cultural Caja Madird, Plaza Catalunya, 9, Barcelona (mapa)
Barcelona Photobloggers
¡Felicitaciones! Algunas de tus fotos han sido seleccionadas por las comisarias de la exposición DOMESTIC para formar parte del mural impreso y posiblemente también del catálogo de la exposición. Puedes ver todas las fotografías seleccionadas aquí [link]
Necesitamos que verifiques tus datos personales aquí [link] para que los créditos aparezcan correctamente y para tener tus datos de
Si no quisieras participar solo tienes que borrar las fotos del grupo DOMESTIC, de lo contrario se entiende que has acpetado.
Gracias, esperamos que puedas venir a la inauguración[link]
Some of your photos have been selected by the curators of the exhibition DOMESTIC to be part of a printed mural and probably of the
catalogue of the exhibition. You can see all the selected photographies here [Link]
We need you to verify your personal data [Link] so that your work has the right credit and yo be able to have your contact.
If you don´t want to be a participant you just have to delete the photos of the group DOMESTIC, otherwise we take for granted that you accept to be part of the project.
we hope to see you in the opening! [Link]
Nice pic!!!!!!!!!