Question by Jayme Wight: Who else hates celebrity gossip followers and feel that they are killing entertainment?
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Answer by Ted Sheckler
I’m more worried about the entertainment industry seeping into video games and trying to ruin those too.
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The more you put other people on a pedestal, the more you diminish yourself.
Entertainment and Mass Media will always cater to the lowest common denominator, for two reasons; It pays the best, and it also, by comparison, solidifies their own importance amongst the media hierarchy.
? Stranger ¿ in Indiana
Not all the followers fault- usually the ‘masses’ are stupid and sheepish. (thinking holocaust, and also look at the ‘artist’ of today. we’ve been made to think they are talented hah)
what i’m getting at is these followers may be bad but journalism(you could say) is also down the drain. Journalism now is basically for quick profit and cheap entertainment. lies, focus on scandals, everything. wouldn’t want to report something important, no?
The public has always responded to people’s scandals though. if it happens to a normal person it is less Worthy to alk about, because for a normal person the fall is not so hard, not so high. For a famous person (eg; tiger woods) he is falling from a high place. Also it makes people think “well if it is happening to even FAMOUS people then i am better than them, even though there famous!”. This kind of attention to ‘gossip’ and story’s has been around a long time, back to greek era. Thing is, they weren’t so absurd back then, and they were usually ACTUAL myths, not gossip.
think Sophocles, the guy who wrote Antigone. he himself said that it is better to write of someone great falling then someone normal, for it creates more pity in the reader.
but to the point I basically agree with you. E! entertainment is garbage, and so are all these disgusting tabloids. (poor trees have to live that kind of sad life :P) but the masses are sheep, and the ‘journalist’ of today treat everyone like idiots, which really you could say the masses are.