Question by ♥ Hunter’s Mommy ♥ is TTC: Good celebrity gossip?
Im new to the net and am wondering where are some kick ass sites for celebrity gossip, hairstyles, makesup and oh yeah celebrity baby pictures… Any girl friendly cool siste, que me in please.
FYI I watch Goodmorning america EVERY day. I am Very up to date with the current election, As I choose OBAMA!!! I am very aware of my cities voting as well since I watch the local news 3 times a day. I also que in on Oprha and Ellen. I know alot about what is going on in this world, as it is a sad time. THANKYOU for the links to all those sites. As I can keep checking for world updates 24/7.

Best answer:

Answer by mystikspiral….love it it’s hilarious too

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