Question by Sunflower @)->-: I’m addicted to celebrity gossip help! How can i stop this addiction?
It started when i was going through a slight depression and now its out of hand. I go on websites 2 to 3 times a day and mutiple sites. Even when i have important things to do i put it of which is bad because i have my senior finals tomorrow but i can’t focus to study! Help! I need serious advice
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I think im in awe of their lifestyle and beauty. I want that lifestyle. I want people to be in awe of my looks. I want to be famous
Best answer:
Answer by Britt
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go read a book
I don’t know enough about you to give in depth advice, because the behavior you describe is kinda normal for a lot of people (unfortunately). I know people who check out gossip sites about as often as you do. It’s especially easy to do this when something stressful is pending, like your senior finals. The red flag is when you said you went through a slight depression. “Slight” could mean anything depending on the person, and only you know how severe it was. Try to talk to a counselor who can tell you if your “obsession” is anything to worry about. It could just be a temporary fixation so you don’t have to think about more stressful things in life. Maybe in a month you won’t care what celebrities are doing.
Limit it each day and eventually it won’t be such a problem, or use it as a reward when you get things done.
summer 2010 baby!!!!
worry about your own life than celebrities lives