Although many people think celebrities are awful people surrounded by money, a good life and little regard for others this is certainly not the case in many instances. In others it is true to say the fame gets to people but proving they are still human is relatively easy, they crash cars, a lot! Here are just a selection of celebrity crashes that have occurred over the years. Some have been due to drugs and alcohol whilst others have been simple accidents; some have even resulted in an unfortunate death.
Ryan Dunn- Porsche 911
Police on the scene of this horrific accident said “it’s the worst crash I’ve ever seen” and it was such a shame that this horrible accident resulted in the death of someone so talented and looked up to. Sure all he did was crazy stunts but he did show you could do want you want with your life and have a lot of fun with it! The car was rocketing at 130mph and he was sadly under the influence of alcohol at the time.
Rowan Atkinson – McLaren F1
Earlier in 2011 Blackadder and Mr Bean star Rowan Atkinson crashed his McLaren F1 supercar into a tree. Fortunately he was travelling at a sensible speed and was not under the influence, this led to him only receiving a small shoulder injury. Rowan is known for his love of cars and before the crash he had just won fastest time on the Top Gear leader board. He has of course made a full recovery.
Richard Hammond – Dragster
When Hammond was doing a piece for the incredibly popular Top Gear show he was travelling at over 300mph when his car veered off to the right and he crashed. He was close to death several times and was at heavy risk of brain damage. Fortunately he survived and battled through and continues to present Top Gear to this day!
George Michael – Range Rover
George has always been involved with the high life and although falling off the radar in recent years he jumped back onto things for all the wrong reasons in 2010 when he was found to be under the influence of drugs after crashing his car. He was sentenced to a short jail sentence and fined. He has since gone on to up his game even further and even made a joke of himself for charity at comic Relief earlier this year.
Tiger Woods – SUV
This massive 2009/2010 story was initially reported as an accident but of course it was eventually revealed that domestic disturbance had broken out between Tiger and wife Elin after she found out about his affairs. Tiger was hit before he got in the car and Elin used one of his golf clubs to smash the back of the car before he crashed. It was rather amusingly covered in an episode of south park last year.
Can you think of any other celebrity car crashes?
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